Public Photography & Videos
The library is a public facility and as such, members of the public may take photographs or videos in all public areas of the library and on library grounds provided they do not impede or disturb others’ use of the library or interfere with normal library operations. If specialized equipment is required (such as tripods or lights), requests must be made to the Administration office ( at least 24 hours in advance. Equipment may not block walkways, obstruct views, or create hazards of any kind.
Taking photographs or filming copyrighted (or otherwise protected) materials, presentations, or performances for the purpose of redistribution without the express permission of the copyright (or other) holder is prohibited.
Commercial photography and videography may be permitted if the project does not interfere with the mission of the library and complies with the rest of this policy. When permitted, the library will charge a fee to offset costs incurred to provide access to the facility. All commercial requests should be sent to the Administration office ( at least one week in advance.
Library Photography & Videos
Library staff use photographs and videos to help convey the story of the library’s impact on the community. Attendance at our programs and events constitutes consent to be photographed and/or filmed for use in our promotional materials (including social media platforms). Names and personally identifying information will not be used without the express permission of the subject or the subject’s parent, legal guardian, or caregiver. Participants (or their legal representatives on their behalf) may opt out of being photographed or filmed by informing the staff member coordinating the program or event.
Performer Photography & Videos
Performers wishing to bring in professional equipment to record their performance must email their request to the Administration office ( at least one week in advance. The Library Director will determine whether to grant the request and if so, where the equipment shall be placed. The library will assume no liability for the damage/destruction of any equipment brought in by outside performers. A certificate of liability insurance listing the Library as an additional insured is required for any recordings that are permitted by the Library.
Library Board Meetings
Pursuant to Section 120/2.05 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), any person may record the proceedings of the Board of Trustees and other meetings required by the Act to be open to the public. The recordings may be made by audio, video, or other means and shall not disrupt the meeting or create a safety hazard.
Members of the public taking photographs or videos are solely responsible for any injuries to persons or damages to property that result from their activities on library property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials.
The library reserves the right to ask any individual or group violating this policy to cease taking photographs or videos in the library.